Affirmative Action

It has been a long time since I penned a new post here

Those of you who know me personally and know me well will understand the reasons for this.

Although I have felt like writing many times, I resisted the urge for my own sake and the sake of my readers.

I resolved when beginning this blog that it would be a breeding ground for positive thinking and enlightening ideologies; afterall the blog literally aims to “vedi la luce” –to “see the light”

I could not, therefore, engage in any keyboard fury, knowing that the sadness and anger in me would corrode the readers eyes like acid.

After all, no one likes a crybaby.



especially not in a check shirt


But everybody has a cry in them.

And so, instead of bemoaning are shared feelings of misdirection and misanthropy-i want to share some ideas about what the fuck we’re supposed to do about it.

what the fuck

In other words, its no news that we all have difficulties. The depressed person is aware of their melancholy. The overweight person is aware of their extra pounds and the addict is aware of their dependency.

Awareness is not enough to incite action. And only action can manifest change.

So, instead of reciting platitudes of “just think positive” and “you can do it” and “love yourself first” I want to outline, everyday, practical METHODS to overcome negative thought patterns

Because at this stage, after years of counselling,  I’m fucking aware I  have to love myself.




What I don’t know is how I’m expected to begin to do that.

Now some of these suggestions are downright comical in their simplicity. But unfortunately the peak of self-worth cannot be conquered in a day or a week or even a year.

But if , like me, you can do even one of these things, you can start somewhere



Out, Out-

Go outside. Seriously. Even if it’s bone-chillingly freezing.

Studies of depression among primitive tribes are minute because they simply do not get depressed.

caveman sun


Nevermind the erupting volcano-its a SUN!


Their exposure to daylight and air is a key factor in this. Not only is vitamin D linked to a healthy body and mind, the daylight itself keeps your circadian rhythm in flow so you sleep better too.

If you can’t leave your room at least open your curtains. And don’t wear sunglasses.

dog shades

even if you look seriously cute in them

The exposure must penetrate the eyes.


  1. Run, fat girl, run.

Excercise is non-surprisingly one of the most effective ways of coping with mental distress

cat runners

its especially effective when combined with kittens 🙂

You don’t have to become a fitness freak. Just 30 minutes three times a week is enough to gain some delicious endorphin release. Needless to say, those in danger of obsessing over excercise should ignore this suggestion. It’s not the more the better. Like anything, it’s only good in moderation.


  1. We fish a lot.

forrest gump we fisha lot


And he’s so smart jenny!

Diet is directly related to mood. Omega 3 fatty acids in fish are excellent for neurotransmitter health. In other words, you’re nerves will be less, well, shot. Those seriously concerned about their mood levels should consider seeing a dietician. Ninety percent of serotonin is actually produces in the gut-so if your digestion’s not in order, your hormones won’t be either

  1. Get some zzzzzzeds

This is where many people, myself included, fall into difficulty. Sleep is fundamental to wellbeing.sleep fry


But it’s not easy to sleep. You could be like me and have bladder problems/abdominal bloating/neck pain. Or worse you could be a total insomniac. The only way to combat this is routine. Try to go to bed at the same time every night. Avoid coffee and alcohol. Engage in calming activities like bathing or reading. If you cannot sleep remember all you need to do is give your body rest. It doesn’t matter if you sleep lots or little or not at all. You’ve allotted time to rest your body and thats enough.


  1. Affirmations.

Affirmations louise hay

This is where serious discipline can produce serious results. Every single self help book I’ve perused has more or less compounded the same premise: You Are What You Think. Your thoughts create every single part of your reality. The only way to change your life is to change your thoughts. It’s hard to swallow but nothing is ever going to happen to fundamentally change your luck. You have to change it.

And the only way to do that is to reset your own factory settings.

Press the Reset

yep, youre like a fricking tamagotchi


It’s incredibly difficult to rewire years of habitual thought processes. But the only way is consistent, repeated, focused affirmations.

To find the affirmations which will work most effectively for you , you must first identify your weaknesses-e.g.

I am always stressed

I am terrible at exercise

I’ll never be where I want.

You then create POSITVE statements to counter these beliefs.


I am a calm centred person, I am fit and flexible, I create my own happiness

You CANNOT use negative affirmations-e.g. I am not stressed, I am not fat.

It must be a positive statement.

It is recommended to say affirmations 3-5 times, out loud and in the mirror, about 3-5 times a day

But I think a good way to start is just to write them down every day.

It takes serious discipline, it feels stupid and you’d hate to be found doing it.

But it is 100% the BEST practical thing you can do to improve your self worth.



Wohoo! Self-Worth!


I hope that wasn’t too painfully preachy.

Any other suggestions are most welcome.

Apologies for the cursing, the fury is not entirely out of my system 😛

Lucia x


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